2023-10-27 10:30:31 浏览数:0
科学研究:主持国家自然科学基金“空气凤梨对天然放射性气体氡的监测与修复研究”、“空气凤梨对气体污染物甲醛的净化研究”等各项目十余项,已发表科研论文40多篇,其中在“Environmental and Experimental Botany”、“ Science of the Total Environment”等主流杂志上发表SCI论文20余篇,授权国家发明专利2项,参编《环境学概论》教材1部。
1. Xingyue Sun, Peng Li, Guiling Zheng,Cellular and subcellular distribution and factors influencing the accumulation of atmospheric Hg in Tillandsia usneoides leaves. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021(2月25),414(6):125529. (41475132, 41571472) 一区
2. Sun Xingyue, Li Peng, Zheng Guiling. Biomarker Responses of Spanish Moss Tillandsia usneoides to Atmospheric Hg and Hormesis in This Species[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12
3. Guiling Zheng, Peng Li. Resuspension of settled atmospheric particulate matter on plant leaves determined by wind and leaf surface characteristics. Environmental Science and Pollution Research . 2019, 26:19606–19614; 三区
Received: 20 September 2018 /Accepted: 22 April 2019 /Published online: 11 May 2019
4. Guiling Zheng, Jinghao Qian, Peng Li⁎, Potential use of corn leaf and silk to monitor atmospheric particulate matter. Ecological Indicators, 2019, 106: 105450 (IF=4.49) 二区
Received 13 August 2018; Received in revised form 26 May 2019; Accepted 29 May 2019
5. Li Peng, Sun Xingyue, Cheng Jin, Zheng Guiling*. Absorption of the natural radioactive gas 222Rn and its progeny 210Pb by Spanish moss Tillandsia usneoides and its response to radiation. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2019, 158: 22-27 (IF=3.712) 2区
6. Li Peng, Zhang Ruiwen, Zheng Guiling*. Genetic and physiological effects of the natural radioactive gas radon on the epiphytic plant Tillandsia brachycaulos. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2018, 132: 385-390 (IF=3.404) 3区
7. Li Peng, Zhang Ruiwen, Gu Mintian, Zheng Guiling*. Uptake of the natural radioactive gas radon by an epiphytic plant. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 612: 436-441 (IF=5.589) 2区
8. Zheng Guiling, Pemberton Robert, Li Peng*. Assessment of Cs and Sr accumulation in two epiphytic species of Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae) in vitro. Chemistry and Ecology. 2017, 33(1): 51-60(IF=1.463) 4区
9. Zheng Guiling, Pemberton Robert, Li Peng*. 2016. Bioindicating potential of strontium contamination with Spanish moss Tillandsia usneoides. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 152: 23-27 (IF=2.31) 3
10. Li Peng, Pemberton Robert, Zheng Guiling*. Foliar trichome-aided formaldehyde uptake in the epiphytic Tillandsia velutina and its response to formaldehyde pollution. Chemosphere, 2015, 119: 662-667 (IF=3.698)
11. Li Peng, Zheng Guiling, Chen Xuan, Pemberton Robert. Potential of monitoring nuclides with the epiphyte Tillandsia usneoides: uptake and localization of 133Cs. Ecotoxicity and Environmental Safty, 2012, 86: 60-65 (IF=2.294) 2
12. Li Peng, Pemberton Robert, Zheng Guiling, Luo Yibo. 2012. Fly pollination of Cypripedium: a case study of sympatric C. sichuanense and C. micranthum. Botanical Journal of Linnean Society 170: 50-58 (IF=2.821) 3
1. 一种利用松萝检测放射性气体氡对植物DNA损伤的评价方法,专利号:N201711276202.9,发明专利,专利权人:郑桂灵,李鹏
2. 基于松萝积累的氡气浓度测定方法及测定系统,专利号:CN201711444658.1,发明专利,专利权人:郑桂灵,李鹏